almost forgot that i had this thing....well i saw most of you last month so theres not tooo much to comment on seeing as i probably told all of you most of my stories...
but there are a couple new projects to update you all on....
so for the last month i have been a volunteer with a program that is called escuelas abiertas ooooor open schools. it is a youth activity based program designed to get kids out of their houses during the summer. we met in the highscool everyday for a month, 3 hours a day to do activities with the younger kids.....sports, dance, theatre, and art projects. then finally a couple days ago it all culminated with a nice show that they all did for the parents to show them what we had been working on.........
but what made the whole thing worth it, the last night, a young little girl, maybe 6 years old, came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. i almost started crying. definitely teared up. its for those moments that we do what we do :)

hey guys, been a while jaja
also my friend and i have been organizing a workshop for street and traffic education. a couple reps from various organizations from the capital are coming in to town today to give a charla to a group of 20 people to capacitate them on the subject. it will take place tonight and all day tomorow. then these people will go around to the highschools giving charlas and hopefully doing similar workshops with the kids. moto accidents are the number one cause of death in this country and it is a huge issue which its seems people are just starting to take notice of.
we are also pulling to get street signs put in our town which has been a very long term project that i have already told you all about. these are all connected and hopefully will all come to realization very soon. we are hoping to install a drivers ed class as well because as of right now there is no prerequisite to get a drivers license.
ok so here is a list of terms which i realize i have been using and you all probably have no idea what they mean...
also recently we did another leadership camp for the jovenes. it was 4 day camp where 20 volunteers brought kids from all over the country to share and learn about leadership in their community and to become a part of the international red of jovenes that we are forming in paraguay. it was very fun and well organized. the last day everyone cried before parting ways jeje

municipalidad (muni) = mayors office (municipal??)
intendente = mayor
joven(es)= youth(s)
charla = speach or presentation or talk
that should cover it for now if there are other vocab words in question please let me know....