Monday, June 28, 2010

dia de san juan

haha or something like that..... anyways
me and my amigos have been taking local dance classes and learning traditional parguayo dance kind of like polk and the past few nights we have been dancing in the plaza infront of all the people with our paraguayn girl pernters. hahah tons of people came to watch us and we gotta do it agian tonight.
ill get pictures up eventually haha but we get dressed up in black pants, white shirts, banderas around our wastes and bandanas around our necks and sombreros. hahaha que lindo.

the past week has been a big celebration in our town for a patron de jesus or something like that. there are a lot of dias de saints so its hard to get the story straight. but there is a scary looking ferris wheel and a lot of little tents selling stuff and music blasting.

the weekend was a huge part in the disco. people from all over came to dance.

mmm im trying to think quick because i am hungry.

love all you guys and ill try to post a more complete story later but

love you guys


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