Wednesday, August 11, 2010

day of rest

so today me and a friend are calling in sick to take ourselves a day of rest and relaxation. training can be a long pain sometimes and today was needed.

but all is well. only two weeks left till we move out and it couldnt go by any slower haha im dying to get to my sight. think today im going to asuncion to by my first hamaca....hamock.

soo my week long sight visit was a success. me and the old volunteer had a good time. it was kind of sad because everyone was saying good bye to him but also made me excited to see what kind of awesome relationships i am going to build.

we hit up this dude ranch in the middle of no where on the way back with a couple other volunteers who live within a couple hours of my sight. stayed there a night. very interesting. this german guy just straight moved to paraguay and started a forresting camp in the middle of 2 square miles of nothingess. very wierd but he was nice and said he would love to have us back. his spanish was terrible just like ours so it was fun to have conversations with him. and interesting. the fact that he spoke only german and us only english and we were using this third language to communicate.

all in all i think everyone is very siked about where they are going to be living the next two yeras and that is great!

miss you guys and will post again after we swear in and are real volunteers!!! TWO WEEKS!!!

