Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Move 2.....

jaja wow so the last time i wrote one of these things was about.....4 months ago. sorry guys. and what a coincidence, the last time i wrote i had just recently moved and this time i am about to move adventure in the country has officially come to an end. it was a great run but now that its going to start getting hott i just wont be able to do my job efficiently from out there, having to come into town on bici sometimes 3 times a day.
i have house searching for a while and think i have found my new bachelors soon to come

as for my projects....still pretty much the same

-i am in the process of forming a youth group in my town. weve had two meetings, not a huge show up but enough to at least get started. we are currently in the process of creating a comission to try and get recognized by the mayors office.

-a piggy back project is that we will be trying to get a secretaria de juventud municipal put in the mayors office so that the youth will have a political voice

-still working to try and get street signs put in