sorry that last blog got cut off.....
so i havent moved yet.....trying to saved up cash for a trip to brazil for my birthday....will let you know how it turns out!!
YESTERDAY:::::i went to meet KACHIKE. kachike is what they call the tribe leader of a native Guarani tribe.
went went on an hour ride into the country side. we met a farmer who decided he would be our guide and took us on an hour hike to find the natives.
it was a bueatiful place with rolling countryside hills and forests and flying spiderwebs jaja
we finally arrived and there were three straw houses spread pretty far apart. this particular community of natives consisted of only 9 people including the kids....there used to be 23 but a drunken man in the group who called himself the leader use to start fights with his machete and drove everybody away....that and the lack of tools and crops.
we met the true kachike and his two little girls and his wife....we did a sort of interview in guarani.
we are going back in a couple weeks to have a meeting with the whole group to see how we can help them. we want to try and gather tools, wire, and seeds.
the kachike told us that if we help them that the rest of the group will return to stay and work. that would be awesome!! so well see what happens...ill let you all know.
im starting a ajedrez class with a fellow paraguayan youth!!
last saturday yegros had its first farmers market...which was pretty much my idea, even though i dont get credit hmmmm but whatever at least i was on the turned out great. lots of people showed up and the mayor gave a big speech and the kids put on a little show. a great turn out. the plan is to do it every two weeks!! well see how it goes. im proud of them jaja didnt think they would make it happen but they came through!! felicidades a los yegrenias y a los yegrenios!!
mmm thats all for now
new post soon....
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