soo.....to raise funds for the youth group we started, also just to do something fun in the community, we decided to do a night at the movies......
i had helped to do one in the city and thought the small town people would really like it, since most of them have never been to a theatre before...
pretty much organized the whole thing myself....but ill give the members credit for helping out the night of jeje
we got the highschool to lend us the project, a friend lent me her laptop and the cultural center lent me their sound system.....
the problem was the screen, what to do...........so literally the day of, i got permission from the cultural director to let me paint a huge white rectangle on the wall...i told her it would be very usefull and serve to use in the futur if they ever had meetings with a projector.....
and when i say big rectangle....i mean legit big jaja
we made fliers, talked on the radio, went to all the highschools to talk it up
finally the night came and it started off a disaster jaja we were not well prepared. the first movie didnt work, the stove to cook popcorn and hotdogs did work what more could go wrong.........
but once we got it all figured out, im not gonna lie, it as awesome!!!!!!!!!
we were sure if anybody was even going to come, but we ended up selling 70 tickets, sold out all the hotdogs, popcorn and pop.
showed 2 and a half movies before we decided to call it quits.....
and the actualy projection itself, amazing, beautiful, i am quite proud.
i feel like the country people really got a good taste of what a movie theatre is sort of like.....
we made a decent profit but really it was just an awesome feeling...seeing the kids faces when they saw the big picture show up....most of them will probably never make it to a movie theatre and we gave them the opportunity....
i would really love to do it once or twice a month and the people are already asking for it...and now that we have experience i feel like the next time will go a lot smoother
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